
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Garmt Dijksterhuis, sensory scientist from the Maastricht University in the Netherlands (his new book just came out this month!), talks about the major challenges for the science of food-related behaviour and perception.
Why do we know so little about …
how to bridge the intention-behaviour gap?
how to enhance acceptance of novel foods (e.g. plant-based foods)?
about consumers of a lower socio-economic position?

Friday Mar 22, 2024
Enhancing mental performance through fragrance - Interview with Kathrin Ohla
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Kathrin Ohla, scientist at dsm-firmenich, was skeptical when she was asked to investigate whether fragrances could enhance focus and concentration. Nevertheless, the results convinced her. Fragrances can indeed boost mental performance. In this interview, she takes us along the research process and explains how – with the right method – even more fragrances could be found that alter our mental states in a desired way.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Chemosensory Creativity - Interview with Janice Wang
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
When contemplating creativity, most people envision a painting, a composition, or something else that engages the eyes & ears. This leaves out an entire realm - the world of the chemical senses. Janice Wang, an associate professor at the Univ. of Copenhagen, is determined to change that. She explores how chemosensory creativity can be investigated & trained.

Who are we?
For 35 years, the European Sensory Network has served as a central platform for collaboration in sensory and consumer science. We've assembled a network of 44 international partners, spanning academia, national research institutes, research agencies, and industry. Our aim is straightforward — to enhance the positive impact of sensory and consumer science within both the research and business community and society at large.
In pursuit of this goal, we actively conduct innovative research, facilitate mutual education among our members and the next generation, and communicate the inherent value of sensory and consumer research. Our focus is clear: promoting the development of more sustainable, healthy, flavorful, and economically accessible products.
Our spectrum of interests is broad, ranging from alternative proteins to sustainable packaging, from wellbeing-enhancing food and fragrances to addressing food waste, and from AI-driven analysis to the integration of game-based learning.
The European Sensory Network remains dedicated to exploring and advancing the cutting-edge facets of our field. Join us in navigating the nuanced landscape of sensory and consumer science.